The grammar school of Andrej Kmeť is unique not only in its English and Russian bilingual sections but also in its foreign pedagogical employees, Andries Peter de Haas and Arthur John Paul Wood, whose teaching and educational development have been specifically in the English language.

                  Andries Peter de Haas was born in Leiden, a small university town between Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands. After finishing secondary school, he started studying chemistry at the Free University of Amsterdam. This course of study was originally intended to prepare him for a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences, but he decided to transfer to Biology. He opted for a spell of solitude by focusing on Theoretical Biology, at the same university. He completed one internship at his own university, and another in Christchurch, New Zealand at Canterbury University, and then graduated as a biologist specializing in theoretical biology and plant ecology. As he had been involved in teaching mathematics as a student assistant, he decided to continue with a one-year educational course, again at the Free University in Amsterdam. Here he met his Slovak wife, and they both worked in Amsterdam as teachers for several years. While his wife spent these years at one school, he taught at several schools (and several levels of education). Apart from teaching, he was also involved in writing teaching materials for the innovative Dutch national biology curriculum and he was a member of the team responsible for the construction of the Dutch national biology examinations. At this time he became a father, and the couple decided to raise their children in a more rural environment than the one they were used to: they therefore moved to a village in Slovakia. After settling down there and while working for IBM in Bratislava, he returned to his former profession of teaching natural sciences, and now he is sharing his knowledge and expertise at the Andrej Kmeť grammar school in Banská Štiavnica. He likes reading, but is mainly interested in outdoor activities (such as gardening, hiking and cycling) and that is the reason why Slovakia has considerably more to offer him than the Netherlands.

                    Arthur John Paul Wood was born in Birmingham (England). He has always been fascinated by literature and art, which encouraged him to study Humanities at the University of Huddersfield, where he was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts with first-class honours. He then completed a Master’s degree in English literature at the University of Warwick, after which he worked in a regional museum for several years before rediscovering a latent interest in teaching and because of his love of travelling, he decided to share his knowledge and experience with students who are not native speakers. He attended a course at Trinity College in London, which qualified him to teach English as a foreign language. He has taught English in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Turkey in private language schools. In Slovakia, he was working at first at a school in Bratislava, but then an opportunity to teach at university level sent him to Banská Bystrica, where he worked for sixteen years at the Department of English and American Studies at Matej Bel University. He focused on teaching English literature, English language and Conversation, the History of Great Britain, British Studies and the History of the United States, as well as inaugurating new courses such as Scottish Studies. Now he is teaching Conversation and Writing classes here at the Andrej Kmeť Bilingual Grammar School in Banská Štiavnica. His main interests are reading, classical music, drama, landscape art, writing poetry and discovering foreign lands. His varied experiences are hopefully reflected in his educational methods and style.




    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium Andreja Kmeťa
      • +421 456920592

        sekretariát školy: 0910 132 756
      • Kolpašská 1738/9
        969 17 Banská Štiavnica
        969 17 Banská Štiavnica
      • PhDr. Renata Mikulášová

        mobil: 0911427153

        email: r.mikulasova@seznam.cz
      • Mgr. Ľubica Herdová

        mobil: 0910 176 362

        email: lubica.herdova@gmail.com
      • Mgr. Ondrej Halan

        email. ondrikh@gmail.com
      • Mgr. Miroslava Kováčová

        mobil: 0905 816 774

        email: Miroslava.Kovacova@gymbs.sk
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